Provision of iVMS systems on vessels <12m

The project will continue to deploy, manage and maintain vessel monitoring systems (iVMS) on inshore fishing vessels to provide data on location of fishing and to enable estimation of fishing effort. These systems are mandatory on all vessels over 12m in length. In Ireland, vessels under 12m in length are also legally obliged to carry iVMS and report position when fishing if they are using hydraulic dredges for fishing of razor clams. The new fisheries control regulation, currently being discussed in Europe, may also stipulate that all inshore fishing vessels report position when fishing in the future. 

Similar projects were completed by MI since 2014 and with annual extensions as requested by DAFM. Although this project could be seen as a fisheries control project and therefore be the remit of the SFPA the objectives are broader than fisheries control. Spatial data on fisheries is more important now than ever as new marine industries develop and pressures on the marine environment grows and as the need to monitor these pressures and assess their impacts increases. The project will continue to monitor the razor clam fleet in the Irish Sea and west coast and extend coverage to other inshore vessels that are contracted to MI or provide data services to MI.

Project Status:
Expected Benefit:
  1. The project supports National Legislation S.I. No. 206 of 2015 requiring vessels to report position when fishing; 

  2. Improved data for stock assessment, pressure monitoring, MSP, seafood hygiene regulations and control of fisheries TACs. 

  3. Improved advice by MI to DAFM and the regional (RIFF) and national (NIFF) fisheries forums. 

  4. Mapping of fishing pressures in relation to Natura 2000 sites and for MSFD Descriptors 3 and 6.

  5. Improved data on landings, effort and economic value of the sector, Improved data for ICES and STECF data calls and to deliver the DCF. 

  6. Contribution to methods development in ICES WKSSFGEO (geographic information in small scale fisheries). 

  7. Preparation for implementation of the new Fisheries Control Regulation.

Supporting Text for Partners

The Marine Institute will lead the project under the guidance of DAFM and the regional (RIFF) and national (NIFF) industry forums. 


The project has a 3 year duration and runs between 2024 and 2026.

Project Outputs:
  1. Number of inshore fishing vessels fitted with iVMS and transmitting data

  2. Volume of iVMS data stored and managed internally in MI

  3. Number of data products derived from the data

  4. Number of fishery case studies where the iVMS data products are used

  5. Methods developed for estimation of fishing effort based on iVMS data

  6. Linkage to catch reports and estimation of

Project Cost - Projected
Further Information:

Contact Oliver Tully, Marine Institute, Rinville, Oranmore, Co. Galway at

Inshore Vessels