Cost-effective programmes to evaluate long term changes in ocean variables requires observational data that is demonstrably fit-for-purpose. The aim of this project is to ensure that the competence is nationally available to reliably undertake reference-quality measurements of key Essential Ocean Variables, underpinning climate/oceanographic observation programmes. A key focus will be on inorganic carbon system measurements required for quantifying climate ocean CO2 fluxes and budgets and to measure ocean acidification. These are challenging measurements requiring a high level of expertise.
The project will establish a reference laboratory for Marine Biogeochemistry Essential Climate Variables – Key marine biogeochemistry Essential Climate Variables (ECVs) include dissolved oxygen, carbon dioxide system (inorganic carbon, alkalinity, CO2 and pH), nutrients, organic carbon etc. Only some of these parameters can be can be measured in situ using sensors, and even in these cases the key reference methods to achieve “climate-quality” data objectives are generally laboratory-based analysis of collected water samples. These reference data can be then used to verify and calibrate/correct sensor measurements. Therefore, a lab capable of routinely undertaking reference quality measurements for these key parameters is critical to underpin ocean ECVs observation programmes, whether ship-based sampling or fixed-station observatories.
The project objectives are
- Establish and validate reference methodologies for routine measurements of biogeochemical ECVs A key focus would be Dissolved Inorganic Carbon and Total Alkalinity, core measurements to determine ocean acidification
- Provide reference method data for biogeochemical parameters supporting ongoing observational programmes and projects
- Ensure data are available publicly and reported to key data centres (e.g. UN SDG 14.3, 14.1, ICES/OSPAR, GLODAP, MSFD)
- Provide a reference point to support projects/activities undertaken (for sample through organising intercalibrations if required)
This will take advantage of new equipment available to MI and will conform to the MI’s established quality system (ISO 17025). This project will ensure that up-to-date marine climate data are available to help fulfil national and European climate policies, including the Climate Action Plan, the NMPF and the EU Green Deal. Improved marine knowledge about the impacts of climate change will support decision making.
This project will run for 4 years from 2024 to 2027
- Core EOV datasets contributing to national and international assessments of Ocean Climate
- Reference data against which to critically evaluate the performance of in situ sensor measurements deployed on vessels/fixed platforms to ensure the data are fit for purpose in the context of evaluating ocean climate change.
- Reference centre against which to benchmark measurements undertaken during ongoing climate/oceanographic projects by other labs
- Data will directly contribute to Ireland’s reporting obligations under OSPAR convention, UN SDG 14.3 (Ocean Acidification)
- This will support Ireland’s involvement in international climate research, for example through GO-SHIP

- Test methods validated and operational and method performance in proficiency tests
- Measurement undertaken in support of national projects/programmes
- Data reported to external data centres and uptake in data products