The EMFF funded SeaRover programme has delivered an EEZ scale offshore reef habitat mapping assessment. While there is further work required to augment this in the future, there is currently a requirement to extend our benthic habitat mapping knowledge across the shelf and upper slope, taking a systematic and scientific approach to survey design and data gathering. Further, it is essential that we evolve our understanding and approach to time series habitat mapping assessments, leveraging existing data, and deploying modern technology.
Extensive regional scale acoustic mapping is ongoing on the Irish shelf through the DECC funded jointly managed Marine Institute and Geological Survey Ireland INFOMAR programme. Leveraging INFOMAR acoustic data, which will be acquired through to end 2026, will inform development of a stratified approach to ground-truthing and improved habitat mapping. Developing a strategic and scientific approach to benthic habitat assessment, while considering current and future pressures including bottom fishing and offshore renewable energy, will increase our understanding of sectoral impact. Moreover, it will improve our site monitoring capacity and knowledge, and will improve our ability to assess change, and manage our resources accordingly.
The main objective of this project is to collect the scientific evidence base needed to reconcile sustainable fisheries objectives with nature conservation objectives. The project aims to; extend benthic habitat mapping knowledge beyond Irish coastal waters and offshore reef habitat, identify VME habitats (Vulnerable Marine Ecosystem), improve MSFD assessments on seabed integrity (GES D6), support Marine Spatial Planning, underpin future MPA designations and nature restoration efforts, enable Offshore Renewable Energy development, and underpin Strategic Environmental Assessments.
The project will involve the development of a habitat mapping prioritisation methodology to maximize the benefit, efficiency and impact of in-field data acquisition. It will develop methodologies for systematic shelf, upper slope and offshore habitat mapping and monitoring, undertake benthic habitat mapping field surveys and data
New shelf and upper slope benthic habitat data, including within offshore SACs, will support the need to protect and restore marine biodiversity and ecosystems to achieve a good environmental status of marine and coastal waters;
- acquiring data and expanding marine knowledge to inform marine protected area designation, monitoring and reporting, including Natura 2000
- informing site-related maintenance and restoration measures, within and beyond Natura 2000, including SACs, SPAs and Annex I & II species and habitats in marine and coastal waters
Assessment of fisheries pressure gradients relative to changes in seabed character and benthic habitat will improve knowledge of the links between fishing effort and substrate type.
The project will seek to deliver cross government needs, with an emphasis on supporting sustainable fisheries while protecting and restoring marine biodiversity and ecosystems to achieve good environmental status. It will inform EC Directive reporting and policy compliance (MSFD, MSP, Habitats, SEA, WFD), while contributing to national and international regulatory and convention specific obligations (e.g. EMFAF, CFP, OSPAR, ICES) and plans (HOOW and Climate Action).
This project will run from 2022 to 2027
- New shelf and offshore habitat data (addressing MSFD gaps)
- Methodologies and procedures for shelf and offshore habitat monitoring
- Field survey reports and associated GIS data
- Maps and report outlining bottom fishing pressure gradients relative to benthic habitat (An assessment of the relationship between fishing intensity and benthic habitat variability)