This project is designed to measure the effectiveness of management or mitigation measures taken as part of aquaculture licensing decisions to reduce or minimise risk to conservation features. Such measures are likely to be of the form of, 1) licence conditions that place certain constraints on activities in certain areas or, 2) redrawing site boundaries. The response of the conservation features to such measures will have to be considered.
This project will continue to monitor the response of shorebirds to a reconfiguration of oyster trestles in Dungarvan Harbour SPA (commenced during 2016/2017 winter season). The proposed reconfiguration of trestles allows for a tidal break to allow shorebirds free movement up and down the shore. The tidal break will provide for a single clear corridor of approximately 400 metres. This break is considered an exclusion zone with no shellfish culture activities permitted. Assessing the impact of aquaculture activity on wintering shorebirds in Bannow Bay, Shannon Estuary (Poulnasherry Bay) and Castlemaine Harbour will continue through winter 2022/2023 and beyond. Monitoring will consist of conducting low-tide counts of wintering shorebirds at all sites assessing bird behaviour in light of the extent of aquaculture activities in the respective bays. Monitoring will take place at all sites and cover all over-wintering bird species. Use of weather stations at sites and relating to bird behaviour and abundance has also been carried out at a number of sites and will carry forward for the foreseeable future. Finally, other sites may be added as required by DAFM on foot of licencing decisions.
This project is essential to the delivery of monitoring of aquaculture and Natura sites and also informs the issuing of new licenses, under the PAF and Priority Area 2 of the EMFAF Biodiversity / Aquaculture programme.
Use of data to implement likely mitigation measures and monitoring requirements Immediate benefits will be realised by the MI in its advisory role as efforts will be strategically focussed in Natura 2000 sites that contain high levels of shellfish aquaculture or that are subject to high volumes of current and/or upcoming shellfish aquaculture licence applications.
Provision of SCI data collected in a standardised manner across a range of Natura 2000 sites.
Supports future assessments of aquaculture activities in relation to conservation objectives of Special Protection Areas in compliance with guidance and legislation
Support to aquaculture licensing decisions in relation to Natura sites
The project has a 6 year duration and runs between 2022 and 2027.
Reports for each monitoring site to be produced in Q2/Q3 in following year and provided to DAFM.
- Reports used also to inform license applications at other location
Contact Francis O’Beirn, Marine Institute, Rinville, Oranmore, Co. Galway at