Outreach and Support of Marine Biodiversity and Marine Knowledge Schemes

Outreach through a variety of media including webpage, brochures, presentations, storymaps and videos to disseminate Marine Biodiversity Scheme and projects to a variety of audiences. This includes policy makers, stakeholders, scientists and the general public.

Regular reporting of project output and expenditure to the Managing Authority in DAFM is required. Therefore, Technical and Administrative support to the Managing Authority is also a major component of this project to support successful implementation of the EMFAF objectives. 

Regular reporting of project output and expenditure to the Managing Authority in DAFM is required. Therefore, Technical and Administrative support to the Managing Authority is also a major component of this project to support successful implementation of the EMFAF objectives. 

This project will address the following: 

  1. Outreach and dissemination: management of a programme of outreach through a variety of media including webpage, brochures, presentations and videos to disseminate project and scheme outputs to different audiences. The target audience includes policy makers, stakeholders, scientists and the general public. Events, such as the Skipper Expo, SeaFest or equivalent, and multimedia such as webinar events will also be utilized for raising awareness and creating discussion

  2. Technical Support to Biodiversity projects, and OP management (MI, DAFM, DHLGH), for data compilation and mapping, visualization and GIS, support for project submissions, outputs and reporting, assistance with general mapping of spatial data and management of spatial layers with particular reference to NATURA, MSFD, MPAs and Fisheries/Aquaculture interactions.

  3. Administrative Support; assistance to management and project leads with drafting, formatting and publication of reports and documents, organization of meetings, webinars and events; assistance with EMFAF reporting requirements, providing support to the MI and the Management Authority (DAFM); support for the financial administration, procurement and reporting of projects, end of year and end of project/OP financial and other EMFAF Indicator Reporting.


Project Status:
Expected Benefit:

The project addresses various national needs (e.g. Legislative requirements, Seafood Task Force, Climate Action Plan, EU Biodiversity Plan) through the following:

  1. Engagement with stakeholders and dissemination of project results and accessibility of information from the Marine Biodiversity Scheme projects to a variety of endusers and stakeholders including policy makers, industry, non-governmental organisations, local community groups; peer scientists and the general public.

  2. Raised awareness of biodiversity and NATURA 2000, and the impacts and mitigations of climate change as identified in the Seafood Task Force Report 2021.

  3. Co-ordination and management of project submissions and approvals, linking with tracking and reporting of EMFAF project outputs and key result indicators

  4. Knowledge sharing through publication and dissemination of information, reports and plans. Attendance at and hosting of conferences, meetings and workshops;

  5. Supporting the coordination with terrestrial planning, and the implementation of relevant obligations such as the Common Fisheries Policy, Marine Strategy Framework Directive, Renewable Energy Directive, Birds and Habitats Directives;

  6. Support for the EU’s Integrated Maritime Policy including the Atlantic Strategy, Green Deal, Climate Change targets, common information sharing and EMODNET.


The project has a 6 year duration and runs between 2023 and 2028.

Project Outputs:
  1. Project descriptions and website up to date.

  2. End of Year financial and project indicators reported

  3. Project outputs disseminated as appropriate

  4. Raising Awareness: Host and attend meetings, events, webinars; information prepared and disseminated; e.g. storymaps, posters, presentations, videos

  5. Public and Stakeholder events supported

  6. Manage, organise and disseminate EMFAF documents and uploads to MI and DAFM online file sharing services when required; including End of project reports, data resources and other material

  7. Oversee EMFAF reporting requirements for End of Scheme/End of Op reports; project indicators collated and reported

  8. Support for Project Leaders: financial data from different projects, tendering and procurement; support with dissemination and communication of information; assistance with outreach activities; GIS mapping products

Project Cost - Projected
Further Information:

Contact Julie Keane at julie.keane@marine.ie

Project Slider Caption

Irish Skipper Expo, 2024.

Irish Skipper Expo, 2024.