The establishment and monitoring of a genetic baseline of Irish wild salmon populations for determining extent of contemporary and future genetic introgression from escaped farmed salmon
There is a need for a holistic ecosystem based tool for defining boundaries for aquaculture development within a waterbody, so that it’s ecosystem function and the biodiversity it supports can be sustainably managed. ECC modelling has significant potential to meet this need.
Scientific expertise to provide the Marine Institute a facility to better measure and manage the risks to conservation features from aquaculture and fisheries activities and provide robust scientific advice to DAFM in a timely fashion.
The aquaculture industry is an important economic activity on all coasts of Ireland. A significant proportion of the activity occurs within, or in proximity to, Natura 2000 sites which are designated areas under the EU Habitats and Birds Directives.
This project was designed to measure the effectiveness of management or mitigation measures taken as part of aquaculture licencing decisions to reduce or minimise risk to conservation features.
As identified, the aquaculture industry is an important economic activity on all coasts of Ireland. The inshore aquaculture industry produces a variety of shellfish as well as salmon and trout. A significant proportion of the activity occurs within, or proximate to, Natura 2000 sites which are environmentally designated areas under the EU Habitats and Birds Directives.
Outreach through a variety of media including webpage, brochures, presentations, storymaps and videos to disseminate Marine Biodiversity Scheme and projects to a variety of audiences. This includes policy makers, stakeholders, scientists and the general public.